Latest news
Latest news, media releases, papers and other publications from Social Work England.
Latest news from Social Work England

Maintaining vital support for people during uncertain times
An update on our work on COVID-19 from our chief executive Colum Conway

Blog, World Social Work Day
People need to be given the tools to make their own change
World Social Word Day is on 17 March 2020. To celebrate, we’ve asked social workers at Social Work England a few questions. Meet Ciara who is a social worker and an investigator at Social Work England.

Regulating in light of novel coronavirus
Joint statement from chief executives of statutory regulators of health and care professionals

Board paper
Board papers - 21 February 2020
We are committed to openness and transparency. With this in view, we will publish our board papers online following a board meeting.

Announcement, Engagement, EDI
Become a member of our national advisory forum
A unique opportunity to get involved with a new, national organisation at an important time in our development.