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Board member announcement

Dr Andrew McCulloch has been appointed as Chair of the board for Social Work England for a period of 3 years. Dr Sue Ross and Dr Adi Cooper have also been reappointed as non-executive directors on our board.

Board member announcement

9/27/2024 12:00:00 PM

We are pleased to confirm that following a public appointments process, Dr Andrew McCulloch has been appointed as Chair of the board for Social Work England. He will serve for a period of 3 years, which commenced on 20 September 2024.

Andrew has been part of our board since 10 August 2018 and was appointed interim chair on 1 March 2023.

Andrew’s remuneration is £450 per day for a time commitment of 80 days per year. He has not declared any political activity.

Andrew said:

“I’m honoured to have been appointed to the substantive role of chair of Social Work England. I have a deep commitment to social work and social care, and to the people who access social care support. It is therefore a privilege to continue in the role for the next 3 years.”

We are also pleased to confirm that Dr Sue Ross and Dr Adi Cooper have also been reappointed as non-executive directors on our board from 4 October 2024 for a period of 3 years.

Sue and Adi’s remuneration is £350 per day for a time commitment of up to 25 days per year.

Sue and Adi have not declared any political activity.

View our board members
View the register of interests of our board members 

Future board recruitment

As our sponsor department, the Department for Education will continue to lead on non-executive public appointments to our Board in accordance with the Governance Code on Public Appointments.

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