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Support to raise a concern

If you are unable to complete the online form, you can raise a concern using the paper form. 

If you need support to raise a concern

Last updated: 19 March 2021

The quickest and easiest way for most people to raise a concern is to use our online form. But if you are unable to complete the online form, you can raise a concern using the paper form

Send us your form by post or email

Post: Social Work England, 1 North Bank, Blonk Street, Sheffield, S3 8JY.
Email: [email protected]

Use an advocate to raise a concern

An advocate could be a relative, a friend or someone who helps you manage day-to-day.

Advocates can help you complete the form and communicate with us, including speaking on your behalf. We will always ask you to agree that you are happy for this person to advocate on your behalf.

Accessibility adjustments

We want to make sure that our fitness to practise processes are accessible for everyone. Please let us know if you need:

  • support to tell us about a concern (for example if you have a disability)
  • any information in another format
  • an adjustment because of disability or injury

You can call us on 0114 349 4308 or email [email protected] to tell us about what you need.

After you've raised a concern

You can read more about what happens after you've raised a concern about a social worker.

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