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Our strategic engagement team

The strategic engagement team enables us to continue to build relationships with everyone who has an interest in social work. 

Our strategic engagement team

Our strategic engagement leads are registered social workers working in localities with a range of stakeholders, including social workers, people with lived experience of social work, employers, and education and training providers.

The strategic engagement team enables us to continue to build relationships with everyone who has an interest in social work. They help us embed our new professional standards and education and training standards, working with people in their regions to ensure that the standards are consistently met, as well as addressing where this might not be the case.

We are committed to working collaboratively with a range of partner organisations to realise our ambition for the sector alongside those who share our vision for raising standards. Together we will build a rich picture of what is happening in the sector across the country. This will assist us as a regulator to stay informed, authentic and collaborative, and firmly rooted in the principles and values that are the foundation of social work practice.

Meet our strategic engagement team
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